速報APP / 工具 / Cap Mate

Cap Mate



檔案大小:1.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Cap Mate(圖1)-速報App

Every ISP and mobile provider I've ever used tells me how much of my data I have used. Some even give me a nice progress bar to visualise that. But none of them give me a progress bar of how much of my billing month has passed. Cap Mate solves this problem.

Cap Mate(圖2)-速報App

Cap Mate is a simple visualiser to show you how much time has passed in your billing month versus how much data you have used from your allocation.

In the Settings app, you set up the billing dates and data caps for your home broadband, mobile data and one other (e.g. a Mifi device or USB stick), then whenever you want you simply enter your current usage (using simple + and - buttons) to see a graphical representation of how things are going, along with information on your rate of use so far and what rate you'll need to stick to to sail under that cap.

NOTE: Cap Mate **does not** fetch your usage from your provider. You must obtain that information manually from your provider and enter it into Cap Mate. Cap Mate will never do this in the future, either, because I do not wish to figure out how to unofficially obtain data for hundreds or thousands of providers, sorry.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad